How To Form Your At Home Workouts

Creating a successful workout routine from home is easier than ever thanks to so many fitness experts, businesses and studios from all over the world offering a variety of resources to keep you moving from the comfort of your home, like FORMode Wellness. I’m a big believer in working out at home because, let’s face it, finding time to go to the studio or gym isn’t always easy. The benefits to on demand classes and fitness/wellness apps are endless; there’s no such thing as gym closures, class cancellations, there’s no traffic to your living room, you don’t have to worry about looking presentable or if your activewear set goes, and you’re always guaranteed a spot in the class.

FORMode’s classes are perfect for at-home workouts, whether you’re looking for a Pilates class, a Yoga class or Functional Fitness class, we have you covered. We have a variety of classes so that you can try new workouts to help keep your exercise routine fun. Minimal equipment and space is needed, for a lot of the classes you just need yourself and a mat or towel. 

With these simple tips below, you can form your at home workouts and get that in-studio feeling right from your living room or garden.


Designate an inviting area of your home to exercise and keep your equipment handy. A lot of us aren’t blessed with having a whole room dedicated to being a home gym/pilates room, but trying to allocate a space that remains consistent will help you feel prepared and motivated. If you don’t have the space to keep your mat laid out, then try to keep your mat and additional equipment close by or setting it up the night before. 


It can be very tempting to just roll out of bed and do your workout in your PJ’s (trust me, I feel you), but getting into your activewear will help with not just your motivation but also your performance when participating in class. We recommend getting your activewear laid out the night before so there’s no stress of sorting it out right before your workout.  


Keep your workouts fresh by mixing up the classes you’re doing from home. Yes we all have our favourite classes that we have done multiple times but step out of your comfort zone and try to choose a new class throughout the week to spice up your workout and your mind and body will thank you after. Mix up the classes that are available on the app, try a yoga class or try a new piece of equipment to add a little extra spice and variety to your workout. 


Just like if you were in a studio, at a wellness centre or in a gym your phone should be out of reach especially if you’re watching the class from your laptop or tv. If you’re using the app on your phone, then make sure you turn off all other notifications. This time is all about YOU, so make the most of it. Tune into your body and be conscious about every movement. 


Whether you solely use FORMode Wellness or you pair it alongside in-person training, choose and schedule your classes ahead of time. Consider scheduling them in your calendar so they don’t get pushed off for later. This helps to set your intentions and feel focused for the week ahead. If you have trouble making time for longer workouts, try doing 1 or 2 10-minute shorter workouts (we have classes that range from 5 minutes to 45 minutes) instead of one 30-minute workout. Prioritise your well-being.


No matter your favourite form of exercise, rest days are essential for both your physical and mental wellbeing. We are also all bound to have off days, where sometimes we just need a day of doing very little. Building a balanced movement routine includes giving your body enough rest to fully recover from the stresses of physical activity. Making sure you get enough sleep and rest so you can continue to show up as your best self.  Also, when you are doing a workout, try to not push yourself so hard that you feel you need distractions to keep going.


The Motivation Muscle